with Chris Drury
Thursday, June 15
United States: Noon PDT, 1pm MDT, 2pm CDT, 3pm EDT
Europe: 20:00 BST Australia: Friday 5am AEST
This talk will cover forty-five years of Drury's artworks, as published in his new Special Edition book titled Edge of Chaos, to be published by Volume, an imprint of Thames and Hudson (below).
LAND - Landscape and Walking, Shelters and Baskets, Spheres, Vessels, woven maps.
BODY WEAVING - large woven works outside.
HEAVEN AND EARTH - Cloud Chambers made outside which work like Camera Obscuras, bringing the outside inside, to make dream-like images.
SYSTEMS IN THE BODY AND SYSTEMS ON THE PLANET - Works both outside and which refence the body - fingerprints, heart rhythms, etc.
ENERGY - Looks at works with vortices both inside and out. A Vortex is a manifestation of Energy in the Universe.
TRANSFORMATION: looks at work with Fungi, which breakdown dead matter into soil on which new life grows. They feed us, cure us, kill us and alter our minds. Trees communicate with each other through the mycelial network, and they are found in our bodies and in the wider environment. These works are large installations and works on paper.
Image: ©Chris Drury, Cloud of Thorns (center) and Spore Grid (left), installation at GroundWork Gallery, Norfolk, UK, 2021.

Chris Drury has been described as an Eco-Land Artist, although he self-identifies as an artist that seeks to make connections between: Nature and Culture, Inner and Outer, and Microcosm and Macrocosm. To this end he collaborates with scientists and technicians from a broad spectrum of disciplines and technologies, and utilizes the visual means and materials best suited to the situation. Context is everything. Context gives rise idea, form, method and material. Context can be an area of land or an idea from science. Through it all, Drury senses of the fragility of our planet and the need to live and work lightly. He has made works outside on every continent on earth, including Antarctica, where he was artist-in-residence with The British Antarctic Survey in 2007. In 2019, he was given a Lee Krasner Lifetimes Achievement Award by the Pollock/Krasner Foundation in New York, and last year was awarded a Gotleib Foundation award for the arts. Drury has a long fascination with fungi dating from the early 1980’s. They can feed you, kill you, cure you and alter your mind. Fungi are what connect us to everything else on the planet. They break down dead matter into soil on which new plants grow, so as such they represent Life Death and Regeneration. Drury is currently working with Volume, an imprint of Thames and Hudson to make a special edition boxed book accompanied by a unique print on paper buried for 7 months and impregnated with earth ochres. (click image below) https://chrisdrury.co.uk

This event is open to the General Public for Free. All participants MUST REGISTER.