Current 4 (2021) by Holly Fay, 152.4 x 274 cm, graphite, ink on paper (above)
CREATORS – Holly Fay
In ALL, CREATORS by McKenzie Prillaman
posted June 8, 2021 for Art the Science blog
Which came first in your life, the science or the art?
My curiosity about the natural physical world and my desire to make and create have been unified since childhood. As a youngster, I spent much time exploring the outdoors and collecting natural materials. For example, I would gather up all the varieties of leaves I could find, then arranged my collections into notebooks. Trips to the library were treasured; I would carry an armful of natural science books home to pore over the pictures and diagrams. By good fortune, the public library also housed an art gallery. Consequently, each library expedition included a visit to the art gallery. The pull towards visual art grew stronger as my understanding of art broadened, which led me to study art at university and build a professional art practice.
Full circle—in 2015, I exhibited my work in a solo exhibition with that same gallery housed in the public library I visited as a child.

Floating Worlds series (2011) by Holly Fay, 38 x 56 cm, graphite on paper
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