As some of you know, I've been traveling in Europe this past month, primarily in Portugal where I visited with member Evgenia Emets to learn about her project Eternal Forest. I also had a brief writing residency two hours south of Lisbon, and spent a week in Venice at the Biennale where I experienced the first ever Indigenous Sámi installation and performance at the Nordic Pavilion.

If you are in or near New York City during the month of May, you're invited to see the exhibition Fragile Rainbow including over fifty ecoartspace members. In conjunction with the show there are performance-based works and a river installation that you'll want to be sure and check out. We will also hold two special Zoom events this month featuring members who have participated in educational programs including What's Next for Earth? A conversation with Richard Heinberg and Michele Guieu and the Sustainable Art School with Anna Chapman. And, we will hold the final Plastic Dialogue event before the group goes private. see below

We continue to take pre-orders for the second printing of Embodied Forest. And, please help spread the word for the I AM WATER Billboards Call for Artists, deadline May 15, 2022. see below

Lots happening and lots to do!

Patricia Watts, founder

Header Image: © Lisa Reindorf, NYC Sea Level Rise, 2021, Oil on canvas, 40 x 60 inches. Included in the exhibition Fragile Rainbow at the Williamsburg Art & Historical Center through June 4, 2022.

I AM WATER billboards

Call for Artists l Deadline May 15, 2022

This is the second edition of the I AM WATER Billboards in collaboration with Our Humanity Matters and will focus on water as a source of Life that mediates our planet's ecosystems for humans and nonhumans. Members and non-members are invited to submit work. By clicking Apply below you can select from one to ten images for $10 each. Please follow directions to submit images via a confirmation email after payment.

Image: Harold Fisk’s Meander Maps of the Mississippi River (1944)



Private Members Reception, Thursday, May 5, 6-8pm ET

Public Reception, Saturday, May 7, 3-5pm ET


Stacy Levy: Tide Flowers
May 5 - June 4, 2022
Tide Flowers is a site-specific water installation that registers the tidal movement on the East River at Domino Park, revealing dramatic fluctuations with brilliantly-colored flowers. Twice a day, this activity connects us to the ocean, the moon, and the daily rhythm that is nature’s own. Be sure to stop by Sunday, May 15, for the Flower Moon Total Solar Eclipse.

andrea haenggi and bladderwrack
May 7, 2022, 3-5pm
During the opening, performers will be nearby at the Marsha P. Johnson State Park to meet and communicate with bladderwrack through dance and walk in procession with bladderwrack into the gallery. Visitors are invited to take one of the bladderwrack and bring them back to any shore in New York City with the help of a guided written prompt.

Walking The Bomb, a performance by Stephen Whisler
May 7, 2022, 1-3pm
Walking The Bomb is a performance including a handcrafted wood and sheet metal sculpture, a human-scale version of Little Boy, the atomic bomb that destroyed Hiroshima. Dressed in a dark grey suit with a white shirt, the artist walks the streets towing The Bomb behind him.

Ecology Extended: A Conversation
May 22, 2022, 1-3pm
A conversation between artist Rita Leduc and ecologist Dr. Rich Blundell explores their work in the temperate montane ecosystem of the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest. Leduc and Blundell will share their artistic output to date and invite the public into an open dialogue.

Click on image above for more information

Image: Claire McConaughy, Fragile Rainbow, 2021, oil on canvas, diptych 40 x 60 inches each totaling 40 x 120 inches.

PLASTIC Dialogues

Wednesday, May 11

United States: 12pm PT, 1pm MT, 2pm CT, 3pm ET

EUROPE: 19:00 GMT  Australia: 6am AEDT, Thursday

MEMBERS ONLY plus one guest are free. All participants MUST REGISTER.


What’s Next for Earth + Think Resilience

A conversation with Richard Heinberg and Michele Guieu, and artists Rosalind Lowry and Eileen Wold

United States: 10:00am PT, 11:00am MT, 12:00pm CT, 1:00pm ET

EUROPE: 17:00 GMT  Australia: 4am AEDT, Thursday

“Acting without this understanding is like putting a bandage on a life-threatening injury.” Richard Heinberg

We live in a time of tremendous political, environmental, and economic upheaval. How can artists better understand and examine these interconnected crises, from pandemics and pollution to biodiversity loss and global warming? This conversation between Michele Guieu and Post Carbon Institute senior fellow, Richard Heinberg, will shed light on both the complex crises of our time and the role of the arts in addressing them. Artists Rosalind Lowry and Eileen Wold, will also share their work in response to the What's Next for Earth exhibitions, organized by Guieu.

Members and one guest are free. Non-members are $10 per person. All participants MUST REGISTER.

Image: Elieen Wold (left) and Rosalind (right)


Sustain(Ability) & the Art Studio: Presentations of Class Projects

Sunday, May 22

United States: 11:00am PT, 12:00pm MT, 1:00pm CT, 2:00pm ET


ecoartspace members are invited to observe the final session of Sustain(ability) & the Art Studio, an online course held through ecoartspace in collaboration with artist-educator Anna Chapman and the Center for Art Education and Sustainability. Over the last three months, class participants have been engaging their environment and community through personal projects exploring natural art processes, environmentalism, and interpersonal healing, inspired by the course content and guest artists Michele Brody, Annette Nykiel, and Bebonkwe - Jude Norris. Join us for the final presentation of the rich and transformative explorations they have taken up in their practice.

Participating Artists: Michel Gagnon, Jason Lindsey, Rebecca Youssef, Tracy Penn, Belinda Chlouber, Ava P. Christl, Kathryn Egnaczak, Candace Jensen, Bree Diaz, Riva Weinstein, Priscilla Stadler, Carole Milon, Katie Kalkstein.

Members ONLY. All participants MUST REGISTER.


Tree Talk: Artists Speak for Trees

Thursday, May 26

United States: 10am PT, 11am MT, 12pm CT, 1pm ET

Europe:19:00 GMT Australia: 6am AEDT, Friday

Andrea Bersaglieri, Yan Cheng, Margaret LeJeune, Mia Mulvey

The entanglements of a forest are vast, complex and mysterious. Today artists seek to understand and express the interconnectedness of trees with all living beings. Members included in the online exhibition and book Embodied Forest will share their diverse artworks and ideas about our human relationship with trees and forests.

Tree Talk is moderated by Sant Khalsa, ecofeminist artist and activist, whose work has focused on critical environmental and societal issues including forests and watersheds for four decades.
Co-sponsored by Joshua Tree Center for Photographic Arts

Gif Images: ©Andrea Bersaglieri, Front, 2021©Yan Cheng, Laboratorium: Anoplotrupes stercorosus, 2021©Margaret LeJeune, Two Trees Marigram, 2022©Mia Mulvey, Pando, 2018.

Members and one guest are free. General Public can attend for $10. All participants MUST REGISTER.


featured ecoartspace artist

saskia jordan

In a world where a six-hour airplane flight can transplant a person into a completely alien world, cultural identity is retained through rituals surrounding clothing, play, language, and food. Having relocated from my native Venezuela to the United States as a teenager, I became aware of the layers of 'skin' that define and separate cultures—one's own skin, the second skin of clothing, the shell of one's dwelling place—all these protecting the vital space of one's hidden identity. As an interdisciplinary artist, my site-specific installations, performances, and drawings map the tension between retaining one's identity and assimilating a foreign persona. Using iconic images that repeat as multiples, I often playfully reference the body in a transitional space and as an alternate artifact.


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member exhibitions

Christy Rupp: Othered is an installation of sculpture and works on paper at Howl! Happening in New York City. Through May 29. 2022. Above

Re-Connections: In Kinship With Nature is a large group exhibition curated by Laziza Rakhimova for the United Nations in New York and includes members Kim Abeles, Catherine Chalmers, Christopher Lin, Mary Mattingly, Lenore Malen, Bebonkwe/Jude Norris, Aurora Robson, Tattfoo Tan, Marion Wilson and Christy Rupp. This iteration is online and will become an in-person show at the UN in New York, October 2022.

The Underground Sound Project by Nikki Lindt developed during a residency at The Urban Field Station Collaborative Arts Program, in partnership with the US Forest Service, NYC Parks Department, The Nature of Cities and the Prospect Park Alliance. The public art work will launch at Prospect Park, Brooklyn, May 14th from 2-4pm.

Field of Vision is a solo exhibition of works by Trine Bumiller at the Boulder Museum of Contemporary Art in Colorado. Through May 15, 2022.

The Presence of Nature is a group exhibition including Claire Burbridge at the Schneider Museum of Art, Ashland, Oregon. Through May 21, 2022.

In the Shadows of the Sundial is a solo exhibition of works by Jenny Kendler at Goldfinch, Chicago. Through May 28, 2022.

James Griffith is a solo exhibition of paintings made with tar at Craig Krull Gallery, Santa Monica, California. Through May 28, 2022.

Bodies of Evidence is a solo exhibition of works by Toni Gentilli at the Harwood Art Center in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Reception and Artist talk on May 14, 4:30-6:30. Through June 2, 2022.

Fire and Ice: Our Changing Landscape is a group exhibition featuring the work of Xavier Cortada and David Paul Bayles at the Wilding Museum, Solvang, California. Through September 26, 2022.

Far and Wide: Risk & Experimentation is a group exhibition curated by Seph Rodney and includes works by Linda Stillman and Millicent Young at Woodstock Artists Association & Museum, New York. May 20 - July 4, 2022.

If you have an exhibition coming up that you want listed on our website or promoted via Instagram, please send us the text and link in the format above and be sure to forward your IG posts to ecoartspace.

More Exhibitions

member announcements

Microcosms: A Homage to Sacred Plants of the Americas is an online resource at the juncture of art, science, and technology, created by recent members Steven F. White and Jill Pflugheber. Above

Soft Core Memory is a living bioactive earth sculpture and drop-in talk and discussion with Christopher Lin at Queens Museum, New York. May 1, 2022 at 12pm. The work is included in the Wet Networks exhibition, up through August 14, 2022.

Ecological City is a procession for climate solutions curated by Felicia Young in New York City. Saturday, May 14, 2022 from 11am to 5pm. Sign up to participate!

Eternal Forest conversation with The Mighty Oak from biodiversity of Quercus Genus to spiritual significance, myths and legends to the contemporary revival of healthy foods and acorns with multiple speakers including Ruth Wallen. Curated by Evgenia Emets. April 22, 2022. Recording

Spring at Small Farms Oral History Project is a website created by Kay Westhues with audio excerpts of interviews, photographs, and archival material about an artesian well in Gary, Indiana.

Nancy Floyd was award a Guggenheim Fellowship from the John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation in April 2022. Congratulations Nancy!

Chin Chih Yang was inducted into the New York Foundation for the Arts Hall of Fame in April. Congratulations Chin Chih!

Photography and Environmental Activism: Visualizing the Struggle Against Industrial Pollution by Conohar Scott is a new book including Sant Khalsa, forthcoming May 31, 2022 by Routledge. Pre-order now.

If you have an announcement that you want listed on our website or promoted via Instagram, please send us the text and link in the format above and be sure to forward your IG posts to ecoartspace.

More Announcements

ecoartspace has served as a platform for artists addressing environmental issues since 1999. In 2020, we transitioned to a membership model. Members include artists, scientists, professionals, students, and advocates sharing resources and supporting each other's work. This is an inclusive, non-competitive collaborative environment where we can imagine and make real a healthy, equitable, resilient future.

PO Box 5211, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87502
