Wildfire Season

As some of you know over 300,000 acres of forest land have burned in wildfires across New Mexico over the last two months. With barely any snow this winter, fire season began early in the spring. Sigh. The drought in the Southwest is severe and the weather predictions are for a long hot summer.

Fragile Rainbow: Traversing Habitats closes this Saturday, June 4 with a reception from 4-6pm. If you haven't seen it yet, this is your last chance in person. Stacy Levy's Tide Flowers will remain at Domino Park through the summer, so you still have time to catch the bright pink floral visualization of the ebb and flow on the east river in New York City.

The response to the I AM WATER billboards Call for Artists last month was impressive. Over 150 artists and over 450 submissions. Forty finalists have been selected and their works are currently viewable on our website under exhibits in the menu bar. We are inviting our members to help crowdsource the top ten images (look for Poll email), and will be siting the boards later this summer and fall 2022. see below

There will be a special Zoom event this month titled Art ON Fire featuring several of our members as well as our monthly Tree Talk which will go on hiatus for July/August. see below

We are getting closer to our goal of fifty pre-orders for the second printing of Embodied Forest. Please help spread the word. see below

In closing, I'd like to acknowledge the passing of Suzi Gablik (1934-2022), author of The Reenchantment of Art, who/which inspired many artists that are active in this movement of ecological art today. Rest in peace Suzi and thank you for your contributions and support. 

Patricia Watts, founder

Header Image: ©Chris McLean, image of the Calf Canyon Fire from the parking lot of La Montañita Co-op Food Market in Santa Fe, New Mexico, May 14, 2022 at 4:19pm MT.

I AM WATER billboards

Members selections due by June 22

We invite our members to participate in the selection of our 2022 billboards. Please click on the images above to go to the I AM WATER 2022 exhibition page on our website to view the forty finalists. You will receive a separate email today, a poll, to select your top ten images. We will announce the selected billboard artists in our July newsletter.

Our Humanity Matters and ecoartspace are now seeking to raise matching funds to do additional billboards. We received over 150 artist submissions and over 450 images and currently have close to $5,000 to do approximately 5 billboards. We would like do 10 boards as we did in 2021. Please make a tax deductible donation!



Closing Reception, Saturday, June 4, 4-6pm ET

Read the Art Spiel review of Fragile Rainbow here

Image: Claire McConaughy, Fragile Rainbow, 2021, oil on canvas, diptych 40 x 60 inches each totaling 40 x 120 inches.

Art ON Fire

Thursday, June 16

United States: 10:00am PDT, 11:00am MDT, 12:00pm CDT, 1:00pm EDT

Europe: 19:00 CEST Australia: 3:00am AEST, Friday, May 27

Aviva Rahmani, Michael & Heather Llewellyn, David Paul Bayles, Frederick J Swanson, Sam Hitt

Over 300,000 acres have burned in New Mexico over the last two months, in the Spring no less. In this Zoom event we will hear from members who have created data visualizations made during an artist residency, organized a group exhibition titled Forest Fires addressing wildfires in the Sierra Nevada Mountain Range, see photo documentation from a series titled Following Fire that's a collaboration between an artist and scientist visually assessing the Holiday Farm Fire in Oregon, and a guest speaker who is an activist presenting an alternative perspective on the current Hermit's Peak and Calf Canyon Fires in New Mexico. We will also have a selected group of artists present who are addressing wildfires in their work that will participate in the Q&A following.

Gif above: ©Avivia Rahmani, Projections of Fire, 2021; ©Llewellyn Studio, FOREST⇌FIRE, 2021; ©David Paul Bayles, Fireweed and Charred Western Red Cedar, 2021; ©NASA Earth Observatory image by Joshua Stevens, April 23, 2022.

Members and one guest are free. General Public can attend for $10. All participants MUST REGISTER.


Tree Talk: Artists Speak for Trees

Thursday, June 23

United States: 10:00am PDT, 11:00am MDT, 12:00pm CDT, 1:00pm EDT

Europe: 19:00 CEST Australia: 3:00am AEST, Friday, May 27

Hannah Chalew, Hings Lim, Paula Pedrosa, Barry Underwood

The entanglements of a forest are vast, complex and mysterious. Today artists seek to understand and express the interconnectedness of trees with all living beings. Members included in the online exhibition and book Embodied Forest will share their diverse artworks and ideas about our human relationship with trees and forests.

Tree Talk is moderated by Sant Khalsa, ecofeminist artist and activist, whose work has focused on critical environmental and societal issues including forests and watersheds for four decades.
Co-sponsored by Joshua Tree Center for Photographic Arts

Gif Images: ©Hannah Chalew, Embodied Emissions, 2020©Hings Lim, Witness of Land (Historic Palm Tree at Exposition Park), 2021©Paula Pedrosa, Diorama, 2015©Barry Underwood, Blue Line, 2010.

Members and one guest are free. General Public can attend for $10. All participants MUST REGISTER.


featured ecoartspace artist

mia mulvey

A boundary layer is the thin layer that surrounds an object that is neither the air above nor the object below. This protected ecosystem becomes a skin that informs the shape of the forest. Białowieża Forest is a primeval forest and UNESCO World Heritage site on the border of Poland and Belarus. Accessible only with a guide, this forest is characterized by old growth, biodiversity, and decay. In this work, the form was created vertically using bark molds taken from Białowieża, toppled and then left to decay by dissolving in water before firing. Undergoing a parallel process of growth, decay and change that characterizes the protected ecosystem from which it came, the boundary becomes a map of complexity and time. www.miamulvey.com


recent blog post

Tactile Reality Check: The Hidden Lives of Everyday Objects, interview with Ruth Tabancay by Olivia Ann Carye Hallstein

member exhibitions

Eternal Forest is a solo exhibition of works on paper by Evgenia Emets including performances and film screening at the University of Lisbon, National Museum of Natural History and Science, June 2 - July 2, 2022. Reception June 2 from 5-8pm. Finisssage and book signing June 30 from 5-8pm. Above

Mine All Mine is a century-old rock cores installation by Stephanie Garon at The Alchemy of Art, Baltimore, Maryland. June 2-July 3, 2022.

Between the Branches is a solo exhibition of paintings by Claire McConaughy at Sherry Leedy Contemporary Art, Kansas City, Missouri. June 2 - July 23, 2022. 

Shelter is a group exhibition with site-specific installations outdoors including Jan Harrison, Mimi Graminski, and Suzy Sureck at the White Pines historic site, Byrdcliffe Arts Colony, Woodstock, New York. June 5 through October 23, 2022. Reception Sunday, June 5, 2-4 pm. Catalogue.

Liz McGowan is a solo exhibition of cloaks, mud sculptures and earthworks at the Stapleford Granary, Cambridgeshire, UK. June 12 - July 22, 2022.

Garden of Eden is a solo exhibition of paintings by Trine Bumiller at Emmanuel Art Gallery, University of Colorado, Denver. June 16 - August 5, 2022. Opening reception June 16, 5-7pm.

Between Lands curated by Minoosh Zomorodina featuring ten Iranian artists addressing our relationship with place at Southern Exposure, San Francisco, California. Through June 18, 2022.

The Workers is a solo exhibition of forest understory scans by Melinda Hurst Frye at Rinehart Gallery, Seattle, Washington. Through June 18, 2022. Catalogue 

Fragmentary Blue is a group exhibition including Alyce Santoro and Caitlin Parker at Tremaine Gallery, The Hotchkiss School, Lakeville, Connecticut. Through June 19, 2022.

The Underground Sound Project by Nikki Lindt, Trailhead by Dog Beach, Prospect Park, Brooklyn, New York. Through May 2023.

If you have an exhibition coming up that you want listed on our website or promoted via Instagram, please send us the text and link in the format above and be sure to forward your IG posts to ecoartspace.

More Exhibitions

member announcements

Lifeline is a single channel video drawing connections between the flow of water and the human body by Krista Leigh Steinke which will be screened at ISEA 2022, The 27th International Symposium on Electronic Art, June 6-10, 2022, Barcelona, Spain. Above

Comestible 7-Day Meal Plan: Food as Text is an ecological manifesto and presentation by Pat Badani for the Media Arts Festival at the Electronic Literature Organization (ELO), Como, Italy. May 30 - June 1, 2022.

Glacier Elegy performance and book discussion with Jaanika Peerna at Fridman Gallery, Beacon, New York. June 4, 2022 at 6pm ET.

Seed Broadcast including Chrissie Orr will be present at the Smithsonian Earth Optimism x Folklife: Inspiring Communities Festival on the National Mall, Washington D.C.. June 22-27 and June 30 - July 4, 2022. 

Ayatana Researchers upcoming online courses curated by Alexis Williams in Canada include Mycophilia, Symbiosis, and Wildcraft. July, August, September 2022.

A social-ecological-technological systems framework for ubran ecosystems services co-authored by Christopher Kennedy for the journal One Earth. May 20, 2022.

Coffee + Culture is a radio show hosted by Matthew Chase-Daniel, in this episode he talks with Lara Evans from the Institute of American Indian Arts (IAIA) about there Research Center, Artist in Residence Program, and her upcoming curatorial project at The Renwick/Smithsonian in D.C. May 14/15, 2022. Recording

South Coast Wetlands presentation by Anne Krinsky for art.earth in the UK on Zoom. May 6, 2022. Recording

Eternal Forest conversation with The Mighty Oak including Ruth Wallen. Curated by Evgenia Emets. April 22, 2022. Recording

All the Way to Hell the monkey wrenching project by Eliza Evans now has over 7,000 mineral owners and is preparing to file the deed in Oklahoma. There's still time to join!

If you have an announcement that you want listed on our website or promoted via Instagram, please send us the text and link in the format above and be sure to forward your IG posts to ecoartspace.

More Announcements

ecoartspace has served as a platform for artists addressing environmental issues since 1999. In 2020, we transitioned to a membership model. Members include artists, scientists, professionals, students, and advocates sharing resources and supporting each other's work. This is an inclusive, non-competitive collaborative environment where we can imagine and make real a healthy, equitable, resilient future.

PO Box 5211, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87502
