
After two and a half years, it's time to change things up. As with all changes, this is a bit of an experiment. Over the next six months, we will evaluate how to continue for 2023.

Currently we have almost 2,000 contacts in our database, which includes over 1,000 Non-members. A majority of these contacts are perusing our monthly newsletter. It's clear that information on our members exhibitions and events is of value; therefore we are making a few changes. see below

The final images have been selected for the I AM WATER billboards, pictured above. We have raised enough funds to commit to six boards so far and will continue to raise money to fund ten billboards by the end of the year. see below

For July we have an exciting Venice Biennale Eco-Art Review to discuss the Sámi and Chile Pavilions and collateral Malaysian exhibition, each specifically focus on Indigenous artists and ecological issues. see below

Our membership fees are half-off through the end of this year, for a six-month membership. If you've been on the fence, thinking about it, this is your time to join us!

Wishing everyone a healthy, productive summer.

Patricia Watts, founder


Header Image: I AM WATER Billboard selection, top to bottom, left to right: ©Sant Khalsa (California), Western Waters, 2022, ©Carolyn Monastra (New York), Woman Clearing Plastic Bags, Nairobi River, Kenya, 2012, ©Renata Padovan (Brazil) The Dam That Killed the Forest, 2022, ©Alexander Heilner (Maryland) Coachella Canal, California, 2019, ©Tammy West (Texas) Wishful Flow, 2021; ©Karen Hackenberg (Washington) Amphorae, 2010-2011.

So what are the changes?

Today's newsletter which you have received is for Non- members. Our members will receive a different version. The Members Newsletter is now sharing more announcements and opportunities including calls for: artists, residencies, papers, symposia, etc. The Non-member Newsletter will be primarily focused on monthly Zoom events and blog posts, and you will not receive the weekly Spotlight email; only members will.

Another important change, please take note: This past month there were 40 new member exhibitions, that we know of, and this will continue to grow as more venues program eco-focused shows. We will now be offering a separate paid email subscription with a listing of Member Exhibitions and Events. This information will no longer be listed on the website or in the newsletter. And, members will also need to subscribe to this as well.

Non-members will need to pay for this subscription, which is a bi-monthly email for $30 per year, or $15 for the rest of this year. Go to Join Us page, it's the first level (non) membership, subscription.


NOTE: The first Exhibitions and Events subscription email will go out separately today to Non-members as a SAMPLE with sign up information.

virtual events

Venice Biennale Eco-Art Review 2022

Thursday, July 21

United States: 10:00am PT, 11:00am MT, 12:00pm CT, 1:00pm ET

EUROPE: 17:00 GMT  Australia: 4am AEDT, Thursday

Khaled Ramadan and more speakers to be confirmed soon!

This will be an incredible gathering of curators from this year's Venice Biennale who are engaged with artists and current discourse on how art can play a role in decolonizing nature. As well as, members who have attended the Biennale that will act as respondents. It is an opportunity to understand the changing roles of art and representation of artists at the most prestigious international art event on the planet.

Gif above: Anders Sunna, Illegal Spirits of Sápmi, at The Sámi Pavilion, Giardini, Photo: Patricia Watts; Pera + Fora + Fauna, collateral event, installation shot at Archivi della Misericorida; Turba Tol Hol-Hol Tol at the Chile Pavilion, Arsenale, Photo: Patricia Watts; Independent exhibition Planet B: Climate Change & the New Sublime, installation shot at Palazzo Bollani organized by French curatorial cooperative, Radicants, including Nicolas Bourriaud, Photo: Patricia Watts; The Soul Expanding Ocean #4, Diana Policarpo, Ocean Space, at Chiesa di San Lorenzo

Members and one guest are free. General Public can attend for $10. All participants MUST REGISTER. Members please consider making a donation.


I AM WATER billboards

We are pleased to announce the first six boards today! You can see the six images at the top of this newsletter. What an interesting experiment to invite our members to vote for this year's billboards. Most everyone was drawn to photography, although a painting that looks like a photograph was selected (the water bottles). We have raised funds for six billboards, and will continue to raise money to place four more boards before the end of the year.

TOP HEADER IMAGE, from top to bottom, left to right, the winners are: Sant Khalsa (California), Carolyn Monastra (New York), Renata Padovan (Brazil), Alexander Heilner (Maryland), Tammy West (Texas), and Karen Hackenberg (Washington).

We received over 150 artist submissions including over 450 images and are close to raising $6,000 to do the 6 billboards. We raised almost $5,000 through the call for artists application fee and are seeking to match that amount. Please make a tax-deductible donation and share!



15 more Pre-Orders needed to go to print!

featured ecoartspace artist

anne yoncha

Yoncha received a Fulbright fellowship at the Natural Resources Institute Finland, where she worked with restorationists to make collaborative art-science projects about peat extraction sites outside Oulu. Her practice combines digital sensing technology, such as bio-data sonification with analog, traditional processes including painting with ink made from locally-sourced plant matter. Yoncha's sound and painting work Succession: A Visual Score (2021) was included in Embodied Forest, 2021. Yoncha is based in Oklahoma where she's Assistant Professor of Art at East Central University. @anneyoncha


Field to Palette: Dialogues on Soil and Art in the Anthropocene is an investigation of the cultural meanings, representations, and values of soil in a time of planetary change. The book offers critical reflections on some of the most challenging environmental problems of our time, including land take, groundwater pollution, desertification, and biodiversity loss. With over 100 contributors internationally including renowned researchers and practitioners, Field to Palette will expand your understanding of soil and encourage you to develop your own interpretations of the ground beneath your feet.

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recent blog posts

Bay Area Eco-Artists: Where Nature Meets Art including Minoosh Zomorodina, Alicia Escott, and the Fog Fire Collective, review by Leora Lutz

Substance of Venom submitted by Cherie Sampson

Active Maps Between the Trees and Me interview with Katerie Gladdys by Olivia Ann Carye Hallstein


ecoartspace has served as a platform for artists addressing environmental issues since 1999. In 2020, we transitioned to a membership model. Members include artists, scientists, professionals, students, and advocates sharing resources and supporting each other's work. This is an inclusive, non-competitive collaborative environment where we can imagine and make real a healthy, equitable, resilient future.

PO Box 5211, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87502
