Increased lightning in our future
Walter De Maria's The Lightning Field (1977) takes on new meaning this century. Climate models dating back to 2014 predict a 50 percent increase in lightning strikes by 2100 as a result of warming temperatures associated with climate change. In June this summer, more than 100 people were killed in 24 hours in Northern India during heavy rains. These lightning storms are also responsible for many of our recent wildfires. Please read up on what to do if you are caught in a lightning storm HERE.
Exciting news! ecoartspace has a new social media intern based in Brooklyn, New York. Recommended by a member, Callie Smith has been incredibly helpful this past month. She will launch an Artist of the Week email tomorrow that will go out each Monday morning. In addition to this email, we will continue to do our monthly featured artist in the newsletter, our homepage, and daily featured artists on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn. Learn more about Callie below.
This month we have a special event on Art and Climate Publications. We will continue with our monthly Fiber and Water Dialogues and resume Tree Talk with four Embodied Forest artists; a sneak peek before the exhibition launches in September. Following Tree Talk, we will have an informal debriefing session with members who participated in the Forest Guardians workshops over the last three months. See events below
We continue to grow, welcoming over fifty new members in July!
Patricia Watts, founder
Header image: A one degree Celsius increase in temperature would increase the frequency of lightning strikes by 12 per cent, scientists have warned. (Getty Images/iStockphoto) Computer models predict that global average temperature will rise 4° C (7.2° F) by 2100 if greenhouse gas levels continue to rise.
Art & Climate Publications
Thursday, August 12, 2021
United States: 10am PT, 11am MT, 12pm CT, 1pm ET
EUROPE: Scotland/Ireland/England/Belgium/Germany/Portugal: 18:00 BST
Christina Conklin, Tina Gerhardt, Andrew Revkin
This event brings together member Christina Conklin and two climate authors Tina Gerhardt and Andrew Revkin to discuss the process of publishing a book on climate and the role artists can play in visualizing the data, as well as adding to the experience with stories that offer another level of communication of the science. Following we will hold an audience Q&A.
and one guest are free. General Public can attend for $10. Capacity
is 100 participants. All participants MUST REGISTER.
FIBER Dialogues
Tuesday, August 17, 2021
United States: 10am PT, 11am MT, 12pm CT, 1pm ET EUROPE: Scotland/Ireland/England/Belgium/Germany/Portugal: 18:00 BST
MEMBERS ONLY plus one guest per member. Capacity is 100 participants. All participants MUST REGISTER.
image: Renata Buziak, Melaleuca Corymbia, 2015, Medicinal Plant Cycles series.
WATER Dialogues Thursday, August 19, 2021 United States: 3pm PT, 4pm MT, 5pm CT, 6pm ET
Australia: 8am AEST, Friday NOTE: The I AM WATER Assembly recordings from July can be viewed in the members area of our website or on VIMEO
MEMBERS ONLY plus one guest per member. Capacity is 100 participants. All participants MUST REGISTER. Image: Peggy Weil, Scant Protection: Shooting at Nukes 2, 2018, photograph from Operation Crossroads, The Baker explosion, Bikini Atoll, 25 July, 1946, digital photo collage, 13 x 10 inches.
Tree Talk: Artists Speak For Trees
Thursday, August 26
United States: 10am PT, 11am MT, 12pm CT, 1pm ET
EUROPE: Scotland/Ireland/England/Belgium/Germany/Portugal: 18:00 BST
Dawn Roe, Tosca Teran, Marie Thibeault, Anne Yoncha
Dawn Roe will present her project Wretched Yew, which engages with the Taxus brevifolia genus of yew tree found in the Pacific Northwest. Tosca Teran will share her bio-sonification installation, Forest UnderSound, which invites us to consider the sentience of fungi. Marie Thibeault will discuss her large-scale oil paintings in response to direct encounters with stressed or altered landscapes including the remains of wildfires that are ravaging California. Anne Yoncha will speak about her artworks, which explores the mechanics of plant physiology and translates these processes to build affinity with unfamiliar ecologies. These artists are included in the upcoming Embodied Forest exhibition and book.
Tree Talk is moderated by Sant Khalsa, ecofeminist artist and activist, whose work has focused on critical environmental and societal issues including forests and watersheds for four decades.
Co-sponsored by Joshua Tree Center for Photographic Arts
Members and one guest are free. General Public can attend for $10. Capacity is 100 participants. All participants MUST REGISTER. Images: Dawn Roe, Conditions for an Unfinished Work of Mourning: Wretched Yew, 2020; Tosca Teran, Forest UnderSound, 2021; Marie Thibeault, Disappearing Act, 2021; Anne Yoncha (in collaboration with composer Shari Feldman, cello by Julia Marks), Succession, a Visual Score, 2019.
Forest Guardians Debrief
Tuesday, August 26, 2021
United States: Noon PT, 1pm MT, 2pm CT, 3pm ET EUROPE: Scotland/Ireland/England/Belgium/Germany/Portugal: 20:00 BST
From May through August, twelve ecoartspace members participated in weekly workshops with Forest Guardians all over the planet. Topics covered included: Embodying the Forest, Plant and Tree Wisdom, Ancestral Futures, Traditional Forest Culture, Forest Action, Land Justice, and Community Organizing and Advocacy. Join us for a debriefing session where participants will share key knowledge they acquired over the summer. This session will not be recorded. (1hr)
MEMBERS ONLY plus one guest per member. Capacity is 100 participants. All participants MUST REGISTER.
Welcome Callie Smith
"There is an anxiety which accompanies the experience of navigating a society which is failing its people. This reality manifests in many ways: irrational compulsions, sensations of abject disembodiment, the illusion of powerlessness. I speak to these disorienting experiences through the creation of a surrealistic dream space in the form of large-scale oil paintings. By placing contorted, discorporate figures in ambiguous, amorphic environments, I aim to portray the liminal space occupied by myself and other members of my generation. My paintings are an invitation to those who share in this liminal existence to feel comforted in the knowledge that they are not alone, as well as activated to begin crafting a less nightmarish waking world."
Callie Smith is based in Brooklyn, New York. She received her BFA in Painting/Drawing with a minor in French from Ohio University in 2021. She studied in France, where she participated in the 2019 Cannes International Film Festival. Follow her on Instagram @calliesmith_art and her website at calliesmith.com
featured ecoartspace artist
jacklyn brickman
A multimedia installation of a fictional laboratory that implements experiments to develop a new planet through onion propagation. Methods and procedures using live onions were performed daily for four weeks. Made with breathing inflatable sculptures of various sizes, sculptural objects, video projection, and lab equipment. What if humans could harness the wisdom, science and magic of plants to form new planets? That is the quest of the Nebular Mitosis Laboratory in the Department of Planetary Futures. Realizing the urgent need for a Planet B, the experiments implemented in ACSE (Allium Cepa Stella Erratica or onion planet) analogize biological and astronomical processes such as mitosis and the nebular hypothesis to develop methods and procedures for onion propagation to yield a new planet, so that humans may continue life as they know it beyond earth. jacklynbrickman.com
new in store
Entwined Roots: Symbiotic Relationships is a 32-page exhibition catalogue including the work of members and partners Aline Mare and Gary Brewer with essay by member Constance Mallinson. Both are abstract artists
rooted in the
sublime figurative images of nature. The exhibition was featured at Wonzimer Gallery in downtown Los Angeles, May 12 - June 4, 2021.
The Fragile Bee is a solo exhibition of Nancy Macko's work focused on pollinator conservation, Hilliard Art Museum, University of Louisiana, Lafayette. Through August 25, 2021. Kunstmatrix online. Above CURRENT is a group exhibition including Lars Schmidt at Whitespace Gallery, Edinburgh, Scotland. Through August 4, 2021. A Daze of Roses is a group exhibition including Claire McConaughy. Mizuma & Kips Gallery, New York. Through August 21, 2021. The Anthropocene Epiphany: Art and Climate Change group exhibition includes Jeanne Dunn, Luciana Abait, Jon Goldman,and J.J. L'Heureux. Orange County Center for Contemporary Art, Santa Ana, CA. Through August 21, 2021. Making Wave: Ocean Ecology and Craft group exhibition includes Linda Gass and Blue McRight. Craft in America, Los Angeles. Through August 21, 2021. Extraction: Art at the Edge of the Abyss group exhibition including Robin Dintiman. Calibi Gallery, Santa Rosa, CA. Through August 30, 2021. Diane Burko: Seeing Climate Change at the American University Museum, Washington D.C. August 28 - December 12, 2021. Eco-Urgency: Now or Never is a group exhibition including Hannah Chalew, Mary Mattingly, Rachel Frank, Wave Hill, Bronx, New York. August 28 - December 5, 2021. Climate Conversations: All We Can Save a group exhibition including Leslie Sobel, Susan Fishman, and Nancy Cohen. 22 North Gallery, Ypsilanti, Michigan. July 2- August 22, 2021. Why is our planet green? group exhibition including Rachel Frank. Project: ARTspace, New York. Through August 27, 2021.
Seedscapes: Future-Proofing Nature a group exhibition including Sant Khalsa, Royal Albert Memorial Museum and Art Gallery, Exeter, UK. July 3 - September 5, 2021. Reclamation: Artists' Books on the Environment a group exhibition including Tony Bellaver, Dana Fritz, Judith Selby Lang, Center for the Book, San Francisco, in conjunction with EXTRACTION: Art at the Edge of the Abyss. July 3 - September 5, 2021. Breath Taking is a group exhibition at the New Mexico Museum of Art including Sant Khalsa, Patricia Marietta Leis, Linda Alterwitz and Meridel Rubenstein, Santa Fe. Through September 5, 2021.
PUBLIC WATER: Watershed Core is an active temporary sculpture and self-guided audio walk created by Mary Mattingly, Prospect Park, Brooklyn, NY. Through September 7, 2021. Phantom Bodies including Brigitta Varadi and Seren Morey, The Yard, Williamsburg Bridge, Brooklyn, New York. Through September 8, 2021. RECLAMATION: Recovering our Relationship with Place a group exhibition including Mary Mattingly and John Sabraw, curated by Erika Osborne, Gregory Allicar Museum of Art, Colorado State University, Fort Collin, in conjunction with EXTRACTION: Art at the Edge of the Abyss. Through September 19, 2021.
The Secret World of Plants is a large-scale outdoor installations, Plantscapes by Vaughn Bell, Kew Gardens, London, UK. Through October 9, 2021.
Edge Of The Abyss: Artists Picturing the Berkeley Pit is a group exhibition including Jean Arnold in conjunction with EXTRACTION: Art at the Edge of the Abyss, Missoula Art Museum, Montana. Through August 27, 2021.
Earthscapes: Emerging to a Brighter World a solo exhibition of paintings by Pamela Casper, Wisner House Galleries, Reeves-Reed Arboretum, Summit, New Jersey, through October 31, 2021.
Sanctuary: New Work by Linda Alterwitz a solo exhibition of photographs, Hilliard Art Museum, University of Louisiana at Lafayette. Through February 11, 2022. Unsettled Nature: Artists Reflect on the Age of Humans a group exhibition including Jenny Kendler and her sound art piece Music for Elephants, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian, Washington D.C., Through March 2022. Park to Playa: Citizen Seeds includes six outdoor public art sculptures designed by Kim Abeles along a 13-mile regional trail from Culver City to Marina Del Rey in Los Angeles County. In progress. Do you have an upcoming exhibition? Please email the information to info@ecoartspace.org to be included in future newsletters.
Mycelia: Fungi Frequencies
a live streaming mixed reality bio-sonification and non-human
communication interpretative dance performance and installation by Tosca Teran, A MAZE./Berlin 2021, July 21, 22, & 24, 2021. Recordings Above
Eternal Forest Conversation curated by Evgenia Emets featuring a conversation with plant whisperer Rachel Corby, August 12, 2021 at 1pm ET. Exploring the Link Between Our Cultural & Biological Evolution through Art: in the Anthropocene Age a virtual conference and exhibition including Mara Haseltine, Anatomy & Beyond, August 25, 2021 at 10am EST.
Eternal Forest Conversation curated by Evgenia Emets featuring a film titled FLUX made in Brazil during a residency at Labverde, July 8, 2021 at 1pm ET. Recording Office of Public Art, interview with Ann Rosenthal and Amara Geffen, July 7, 2021, Recording
Water Communication audio interview with Danielea Castell, June 23, 2021. Recording.
Land Use Consciousness: Managed Retreat from ecocide panel discussion with members Aviva Rahmani and Eliza Evans, virtual conference At What Point Managed Retreat?: Resilience, Relocation and Climate Justice, Columbia Climate School, The Earth Institute, June 22-25, 2021. Recording
Do you have an announcement you would like to share? Please email links to info@ecoartspace.org to be included in future newsletters.
ecoartspace has served as a platform for artists addressing environmental issues since 1999. In 2020, we transitioned to a membership model. Members include artists, scientists, professionals, students, and advocates sharing resources and supporting each other's work. This is an inclusive, non-competitive collaborative environment where we can imagine and make real a healthy, equitable, resilient future.
PO Box 5211, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87502